Apr. 27, 2014
For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds 2Cor 10:4.
Do you know the Rules of Engagement? Are you suited up for battle? Are you armed and ready to defend your marriage against the things that threaten to destroy it? If not, you need to put on the full armor of God, so that you can take a stand against the devil's schemes. Here are the 6 things that you will need;
1. Your breastplate of RIGHTEOUSNESS to protect your heart from being broken and saturated with untrue influences and hurt feelings that will prevent you from doing what's right.
2. Your belt of TRUTH to protect your soul which is the center of your being that holds the key to your emotions so that the truth will always be revealed to you.
3. Shoes to spread the gospel of PEACE to stomp on the ungodly devices that try to enter in your relationship to keep you worried and anxious and jeopardize your sense of peace.
4. Your shield of FAITH to block the ungodly attacks and fiery darts from those who choose to spread malicious gossip and vile accusations to cause hopeless that leads to discord in your marriage.
5. Your helmet of SALVATION to protect your head and your mind from evil and impure thoughts that can threaten your well being and devastate the salvation of your union.
6. Your sword of the SPIRIT which is the word of God to keep your spirit lifted in times of trouble and pierce the fleshly things that can penetrate the fiber of your marriage